
Friday, October 19, 2012

My Haunted Family Tree – Domino Book

I couldn't go through Halloween and not make some domino books.  On this book I started by coating the front of the dominoes with Glossy Accents, then sprinkling on black glitter.  The gate, ghosts and tombstones are all buttons (with shanks removed).  I used Copper Gilders Paste to add color to the gate and tombstones.  I used a punch to create the black branches (I think it is a Martha Stewart punch).
I used two different 12 x 12 papers on the inside of the book.  One of the papers is the strip with the gate and hearse and the other had all the images of the gruesome silhouettes (which I cut out).  

Supplies Used In Making This Book


  1. You probably get tired of hearing this but OMG!!! Your domino book is fantastic. I love the front of it. I would have never known it was a domino book.

  2. Laura, your fabbulous blog has inspired me to begin some Halloween makings. I LOVE what you do!!!You're a very clever woman.

  3. Difficult to believe this is only domino size. It is amazing and an inspiration.

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Incredible again Laura. You know, I can't get any Halloween papers in the UK, it's dreadful.
    Hugs Joanne xx

  5. I love cool. The papers you used are fabulous too. Love it!

  6. Another triumph, what a fabulous domino book.

  7. Very cool indeed! I love your art! I just added your blog to my list of favs...Artists at work! Hugs!

  8. This is so amazing!! And all domino size?! Great project!

  9. That is incredible! At first glance I never would have thought it was a domino! Thanx for sharing another Spook-tacular project as well as a tutorial! Love your creations. :)


  10. Oh my heck! Once again you have knocked my little sockies off! I am so trying this! Thank you, thank you!

  11. Really cool at first glance. Then when I realized it is domino-sized!!! I was just awed. Beautiful piece!


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