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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Butterfly Images for Your Art – Fourth and Last Set

Below are a series of vintage butterfly plates.  You are free to use these in your art.   To download an image, click on the image to expand it, right-click and select Save As.


smokeysmom said...

Many thanks for the butterfly images! They're great. And thanks for your generosity in sharing them with your readers:)

Elaine A said...

Thank you Laura. These are just so beautiful!

Elaine Allen

Anonymous said...

I love the beautiful butterflies, thank you! I made some pretty necklaces with some of the other butterfly images.

Ineke Original said...

Thanks a lot for sharing!

Lululiz said...

Thank you so much for these wonderful images.

Rosie said...

Thanks Laura, for sharing these lovely images! =)

Sarosa said...

Thank you so much for sharing these; they are lovely!

lilyandthelotus.blogspot.com said...

I took you beautiful butterfly images and I wanted to say Thank you so much for your generosity
susan s

Unknown said...

Thank you for taking the time to upload and share the images; very thoughtful of you.

Janice XX

db dennis waltrip said...

Thank you for sharing so generously. I plan on using some of your images with my middle school students when we study collage. I also plan on showing them some of you beautiful work Thanks again! db

Anonymous said...

Thank you. They are beautiful.

infoaula said...

Thank you!! The images are so pretty! i love them! Again thank you for taking the time for sharing. God bless you :D