These tombs are my Memoriam to Edgar Allan Poe and Marie Antoinette; both are gothic, one darker and serious and the other humorous.
With Poe, I featured images of people and animals from his literature. For Marie, I decided to feature her head, which I thought was appropriate under the circumstances. I envisioned her with gothic makeup and a crazy hairdo made from cotton balls.
The centerpieces for both of the tombs are Chipboard Tombs.
In the post below, you will find construction details for both tombs.
The center section of the Poe tomb is made from a Triangular Greek Pediment Tomb and covered with Latin Stone scrapbook paper. The pediment section is sprayed with stone paint.
I dressed up the top with tea-dyed cheesecloth, and flanking each side of the pediment are angels from the Facade Architecture Collage Sheet. The picture of Poe comes from the Just Poe Collage Sheet, and the frame is from the Ghostmore Image Set. At the bottom is a fence made from a Chipboard Gothic Border Trim and painted black. Behind the fence is a piece of Baroque Black Dresden.
The stone texture you see on both the Poe and Marie tombs and on the tombstones is Rust-oleum Stone Accents spray paint. It is such an easy way to add stone texture. I used the colors Grey Stone and Bleached Stone.
I added a candelabra from my stash that holds dripping candles to the base. A hand from a set of Milagros Relic & Artifacts Casts holds red roses, and a Die-Cut Black Cat stands on the fence, touching the picture of Poe.
The Annabelle Lee and Lenore tombstones flanking the tomb are Miniature Chipboard Reliquaries.
I sprayed both of the tombstones with stone paint. The image of Annabelle Lee is from the Romantic Victorian Women Collage Sheet, and the embellishments are a Sparrows Compass Brass Link and a Bronze Cherub Pendant.
Behind the tombstone are two owls from the Ghostmore Image Set sitting on an 8" Creepy Chipboard Tree. The tree is attached to the back of the tomb, and the tombstone is attached to the tree.
I dripped black wax over the Lenore tombstone, glued some chipboard from my stash to the front, and added red beads (to serve as berries). The image of Lenore comes from the Gothics Collage Sheet.
The tomb is attached to the fence. A Creepy 5" Chipboard Tree is attached to the back of the tomb, and again you see an owl sitting in the tree.
In order to make the tombs stand, I used the lid of the box and a piece of chipboard cut smaller than the tomb, both of which are covered with paper.
The center section of the Marie tomb is made from a Roman Pediment Tomb.
In the picture below, you can see the various components of the Marie tomb. The back is covered with Sandstone scrapbook paper. The Chipboard Columns and pieces of the pediment are coated with the stone spray. Notice that I used both colors of stone spray to add depth and interest. I used a pediment image from the Ghostmore Image Sets in the pediment opening.

The image of Marie I used is from the Off With Her Head Collage Sheet (in the upper left corner). I gave her a gothic makeup job and hairdo.
Her hair is made from cotton. I pulled cotton balls apart in long sections. Next, I glued the sections to her paper hair until I felt like it was full enough. It would be easy to shape it into a pouf or any other style you might like.
The crown is made by slightly bending and gluing together two pieces of filigree from my stash, attaching fleur de lye and purple beads to the top.
Her head is held by a hand from a set of Milagros Relic & Artifacts Casts. I filed a slit in the hand to create a place to attach the head (the collar slips into the slit and is glued in place).

I wrapped Black Stitched Leaf Ribbon around the columns and attached Black Dresden to the base before I glued the columns in place.
The gold frame is from the Large Vintage and Elegant Digital Image Set and is backed with Black Suede Paper. Around the frame is dyed cheesecloth.
I made a batch of Purple Twilight Alcohol Ink and Alcohol Blending Solution to dye the cheesecloth. The Blending Solution dilutes the ink, making it lighter. I made just enough of the mixture to cover the cloth.
I soaked the cloth in the bath for a few minutes, lifted it out, and let it dry. Once dry, I wrapped it around the frame.

At the top of the pediment, I added a Gargoyle Pendant and Griffin Architectural Finials. The griffin finials are painted with stone paint to add texture and then painted with black acrylic paint.
On the sides of the tomb, I used a Spiderweb Gate painted black and rubbed with gold. To dress up the columns on the gate, I added gold Dresden, a piece of filigree bent in the shape of a bowl and a 10mm Clear Glass Marble.
Edgar Allan Poe Tomb - Detail Supply List
Ghostmore Manor Collage Sheet Set or Ghostmore Manor Digital Image Set
Romantic Victorian Halloween Women Collage Sheet
Romantic Victorian Halloween Women Collage Sheet
Gothics Collage Sheet
Just Poe Collage Sheet
Latin Stone Scrapbook Paper
Triangular Greek Pediment Tomb
Miniature Reliquaries
Mini Chipboard Wrought Iron Fence
Chipboard Gothic Border Trim
Relic & Artifacts Casts – Milagros
Die-Cut Black Cat
8” Tree
5” Tree
Ceramic Raven Beads – Large
Tiny Felt Black Bat Stickers
Baroque Dresden Borders – Black
½ Inch Red Paper Roses
Mini Rose Buds - Red
Cherub Pendant – Bronze with 2 Holes
Sparrows Compass Brass Link
Marie Antoinette Tomb - Detail Supply List
Ghostmore Manor Collage Sheet Set or Ghostmore Manor Digital Image Set
Elegant Frames Set Download
Off With Her Head Collage Sheet
Elegant Frames Set Download
Off With Her Head Collage Sheet
Sandstone Scrapbook Paper
Black Suede Paper
Round Roman Pediment Tomb
Chipboard Columns – Set of 4
Small Architectural Finals
Spiderweb Gate
10mm Clear Glass Marbles
Relic & Artifacts Casts – Milagros
Gargoyle Pendant – Brass Oxide
Stitched Leaf Ribbon - Black
Black Dresden Border Sampler Set
Purple Twilight Alcohol Ink
How I looove this Project!! Poe and Marie are two faves and you have done them both a glorious tribute! Very inspirational, and as usual, so grateful for the tips and tute!!xoxo
OMGosh these are two tremendous projects, love them both, thank you for all the wonderful details on how you made them look so fabulous.
Wonderful work, Laura! I have to say your Marie and her awesome hair slay me!
oh, these are definitely creepy and gorgeous! i love them!!!!
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