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Monday, October 31, 2016


My treat for you on this spookalicious day is the Halloween Spooky Background collage sheet pictured above.  The backgrounds are ATC sized but would also work for cards and other collage projects.  Feel free to download it and use it in your artwork.  


Anonymous said...

Lovely, thank you

Deonna B said...

Awesome! Thank you very much!

peggy gatto said...

thank you and BOO!!

Annette said...

Thank you I will be ready for next year for sure oxoxxo

Tee said...

Thank you!

Unknown said...

thank you there fantastic thankyou as allways your a true inspiration

Tarnished Rose said...

Thank you!


2amscrapper said...

Thank you so much!

Robin said...

Thanks for sharing this great sheet with us; you are very generous!
A big BOO to you!

Crafting Vicky said...

These are fabulous! Thanks for sharing

Jackie PN said...

Thank you Laura!!xx

dyeandpigment said...

Thanks so much. These are really cool.

Namedguy said...

Thank you. These are really beautiful.