For those of you into miniatures, how about a peddler’s cart filled with tasty holiday treats. I decorated the cart with gingerbread chipboard trim, a wreath, holly leaf images, gingerbread images, hanging lights, candy canes, and two tin soldiers.
Many of the cookies are made from polymer clay and cookie-cutter cabochons which I’ll cover in the video tutorial.
There are chocolates (decorated with slices of polymer clay canes) and lollypops made from beads.
I used various pre-made candy canes, cakes, and gingerbread house beads. The large wrapped trees are paper images, and the wrapped gingerbread men are buttons (from my stash) decorated with slices of a polymer clay cane.
I jazzed up the sides with candy canes and gingerbread images, and on the side with the pull, I hung candy canes.
This piece will make a great addition to my Streets of Paris shops when I decorate them for Christmas.

You might recognize the Peddler’s Cart kit as it is the same one I used for the Streets of Paris Artist cart.
In the video tutorial below, I'll walk you through how I assembled and decorated the cart, plus how I made the tasty treats.